Drain Cleaning – FORT MCMURRAY


Drain Cleaning – Fort McMurray – Steam Drain Cleaning
Industrial & Commercial Plumbers – Fort McMurray

Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Heating

Fort McMurray: 780-799-7201
Edmonton: 780-453-3090
open sign rammechProviding Drain Cleaning in Fort McMurray Since 1984
*We provide complete drain cleaning services in Fort McMurray & area


plumbing company fort mcmurray drain cleaningYour drains are under attack every day. They typically take the worst abuse and beating of your mechanical system. You plunge them, you snake them and you pour highly caustic and potentially damaging ‘drain cleaner’ down them. Your sewer drains are one of the most important and delicate plumbing systems in your building or house and they need to be well maintained. Ram Mechanical specializes in periodic drain cleaning.

Unlike pressurized piping systems, like waterlines, the sewer or sanitary drains in your building or house rely on gravity to move waste throughout your house, down the streets and eventually to the treatment facility. This means that the drains in your floors and walls have a slight slant to move material to the lowest point on the system. In addition, drains which are directly exposed to the atmosphere of your building, sinks, tubs, showers, and floor drains, have a ‘p’ shaped jog in the pipe (a p-trap) close to the drain. The purpose of the p-trap is to always retain enough water to seal the pipe and to keep sewer gasses from venting into a living space. P-traps, especially in bathrooms, where the hair goes down the drain, is a hotspot for drain clogs. Like the arterial system of the human body, over time, unhealthy drains will collect deposits, which will build upon the inside of walls of their pipes. This build-up may occur slowly and eventually could back the drain up causing thousands of dollars in damage.

With an annual inspection, maintenance, and drain cleaning drain back up and sewage flooding can be completely avoided.

If you experience a drain clog, a slow drain, or require preventive maintenance, contacting an experienced Ram Mechanical plumber is your best solution. Depending on the specific requirements of your drain system, or the type of clog you are experiencing, there are many options when it comes to drain cleaning. Ram Mechanical specializes in a number of drain cleaning techniques, including:

  • auguring
  • rodding
  • snaking
  • swabbing
  • flushing
  • steaming

As soon as you put a call into us, we will dispatch an experienced plumber who will assess your drain cleaning needs, and propose a satisfactory solution.

Often overlooked; the sewer drains outside of your building will directly affect the performance of the drain within your building. Blockage of the drains outside will cause your system to backup and could cause raw sewage to flood the low lying areas of your building. If there are mature trees around your property, chances are there might be some root growth into your sewer. Our technicians and plumbers have CCTV (closed-circuit television) camera equipment which can immediately inspect and report the nature of the inside of your sewer system. We will look for breaks, growths, roots, and sags. In addition to offering drain cleaning, we also offer pipe relining. Once we clear whatever blockage you are experiencing, we can reline your sewer in order to help prevent future intrusions and blockages.


Drain Cleaning – Fort McMurray – Steam Drain Cleaning
Industrial & Commercial Plumbers – Fort McMurray

Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Heating

Fort McMurray: 780-799-7201
Edmonton: 780-453-3090
Providing Drain Cleaning In Fort McMurray Since 1984
*We provide complete drain cleaning services in Fort McMurray & area

Extremely cold winter periods do not only affect our outdoor environment, but they also affect what is underground. Long cold periods and high traffic areas can drive frost very deep into the ground. If frost reaches your pipes, they could freeze. When a pipe freezes it may crack, burst, or ice dam. Ram Mechanical uses highly specialized steaming equipment to thaw a frozen pipe. If you have a pipe that has burst, we can employ non-evasive, state of the art trenchless repairs which will not damage your expensive landscaping or surface treatments. The last thing you want to do is dig a large hole or trench in the middle of winter.

Sometimes a drain will experience reoccurring clogging. You will plunge and snake to free the blockage only to have it happen again once the drain is used. Reoccurring blocking of a drain can be caused by many things such as:

  • incorrectly installed plumbing
  • too much or too little grading on pipework
  • pipe sags
  • unidentified foreign objects (toys, pens, syringes)
  • excessive build upon the walls of the pipe

Whatever the cause, reoccurring clogging of a drain is a major clue that it is time for professional intervention.

Liquid Drain Cleaning Products

plumbing fort mcmurray drain cleaningWhile they may seem convenient and have some pretty powerful advertising behind them, liquid drain cleaning products should never be used. Not only are these chemicals extremely poisonous, but they will also severely burn skin on contact. Caustic liquid and solid drain product will also only dissolve organic materials and will have no effect on other non-organic blockages. Additionally, introducing these products to the sewer system, depending on your local treatment process, could contaminate drinking water, fish-bearing water bodies, permanently and irreversibly damage your septic system or make your wastewater more difficult and expensive to treat.

There is so much that you, or the occupants of the building, can do to prevent drain clogs. The first thing to remember is that your drain is not a garbage chute. Solids (other than the obvious), oils, greases, most food, wipes, feminine hygiene products and any paper that isn’t toilet paper should never go down a drain. Preventive maintenance is also an amazing way to prevent inconvenient or expensive drain clogs. An annual inspection and steam cleaning of drains will ensure your drains are working properly and will help ensure that your real estate investment continues to pay dividends for years to come.

Drain cleaning products can permanently damage and weaken your drain pipes.

We are definitely leaders in drain cleaning and repair, both in Edmonton, and now in Fort McMurray. Ram Mechanical is Northern Alberta’s best choice for all plumbing and heating solutions, and all of your maintenance needs. Call us today for fast, friendly, affordable, and quality service.


CCTV Inspection – Fort McMurray & area

Inspections of new and old pipe systems are essential to the health of a pipe network and to your pocketbook. Today’s latest technology allows for very precise images of what is going on within a pipe network. Generally speaking, you will find pipes in your walls and underground. Most of them are way too small for a person to crawl into to inspect. This presents a problem for which Ram Mechanical has a solution. We employ the latest technology in optics and robotics to view, inspect and report on a multitude of pipe types and sizes. Whether you require troubleshooting of an old pipe network or quality control on a new system, Ram Mechanical is your one-stop-shop for CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) inspection and reporting.

CCTV or Closed Circuit Television inspection

CCTV inspection is the process of inspecting and reporting on the condition of pipes with the use of optics and digital recording. CCTV systems can be floated, flown, forced or driven through pipe systems depending on the type of pipe being inspected. The CCTV inspections of today allow for high definition (HD) imaging and immediate reporting via cloud computing. Gone are the days of waiting for printed reports and VHS videotapes.

The value of CCTV inspection can be realized by a wide variety of clients. Building owners who have reoccurring blockages or problems with their pipework can troubleshoot without ripping down walls or pipes apart. CCTV inspection is also a secret weapon in asset management. The age and remaining life of the pipework in a building can be estimated and valued as a part of an asset management portfolio. CCTV is also an invaluable tool when it comes to quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC). A contractor’s pipework QA program can be managed by implementing a CCTV inspection at the end of the day of the pipe installation. This process not only tracks progress, but it also makes an indisputable, time-stamped diary of quality which can be signed off on by the owner’s representative daily. An owner’s QC program can be supplemented with CCTV inspection by building specifications around CCTV imagery and reporting. Pipe sags, slope, flattening and joint connections can all be measured and compared to specification for compliance. Ram Mechanical has the ability to provide CCTV inspection on line as small as 1.25 inches or 32 mm!

CCTV Inspection – Fort McMurray
Industrial & Commercial Plumbers – Fort McMurray
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Heating

Fort McMurray: 780-799-7201
Edmonton: 780-453-3090
fort mcmurray cctv drain inspection edmonton 24 hoursProviding Fort McMurray Plumbing & Heating Services Since 1984
*We provide complete CCTV Drain Inspection services in Fort McMurray & area

plumbing company fort mcmurray cctv drain inspectionRam Mechanical’s competition has their work cut out for them. We are a highly evolved plumbing and heating company that values efficiency, affordability and the latest technologies. Unlike some of our competitors, when you call Ram, we will answer the phone. When we dispatch our CCTV inspection team you will be greeted by a friendly and professional technical representative. Our CCTV team members are all trained to provide you with a consistent and professional experience which will ensure that Ram Mechanical is your first call for CCTV inspection services.

CCTV inspection is an irreplaceable tool available to owners and managers of aging pipe systems. CCTV inspection is cheap. Furthermore, its affordability is undisputable when measured against the cost of a pipe failure which could have been avoided with proper inspection and preventive maintenance. Inspecting your aging pipework will also allow you to build a maintenance and repair schedule. A maintenance and repair schedule is the foundation of a solid maintenance budget. This will ensure that you will have the money and capacity to perform maintenance and will not be caught off guard.

Perhaps where CCTV inspection technology shines the most is as a part of a new construction quality control program. A large pipe network is easily a multimillion-dollar investment with a very limited warranty, perhaps only one or two years. Even though pipes that are part of a pressure system are typically not CCTV inspected (their quality is typically tested by their ability to maintain pressure), gravity pipes, like stormwater sewers and sanitary sewers should be inspected. During installation, it is very common, especially with less than diligent contractors, that debris like dirt and rocks can build up in pipes. This can wreak havoc in gravity-based piping systems and may not become completely apparent until after a warranty period. Sags in pipework can also be a large problem in gravity piping systems. Flushing pipes during CCTV will show sags by observing ponding or slowing of water. Inspection of pipe joints and possible pipe cracking will show potential leaks before there is a chance of contamination of infiltration. The latest advances in engineering allow for the use of cheaper and weaker materials when manufacturing pipes. While this is great on the pocketbook, it requires contractors to use more care and may require special training when installing these types of pipes. Something as simple as not backfilling the pipe correctly can lead to crushing or misshaping of a pipe. The only practical way to inspect pipe once its backfilled is to use CCTV inspection. CCTV inspection coupled with a well-written specification is one of the best ways to protect your investment!

CCTV Drain Inspection – Fort McMurray
Industrial & Commercial Plumbers – Fort McMurray

Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Heating

Fort McMurray: 780-799-7201
Edmonton: 780-453-3090
fort mcmurray cctv drain inspection edmonton 24 hoursProviding Fort McMurray Plumbing & Heating Services Since 1984
*We provide complete CCTV Drain Inspection services in Fort McMurray & area

When you call Ram Mechanical for CCTV inspection services, you will be greeted by a friendly dispatcher. Our professional call staff will gather your requirements and build a schedule with you that meets your needs. Quotes are also available for all of our services, including CCTV inspection. Our CCTV inspection team will be dispatched to your site located at the agreed-upon time and date. Once on-site, our representatives will meet with you to verify the scope of the CCTV inspection and will proceed. At this point, you can decide if you want to take part in the inspection or simply review the report afterward. Once the inspection is complete, you will be handed a USB thumb drive that contains all videos from the inspection and a PDF report which ‘highlights’ any issues or untypical occurrences.

Call us 24 hours a day – 7 days a week for EMERGENCY CCTV Drain inspection services:
Fort McMurray:
Edmonton: 780-453-3090


Steam cleaning your drain lines is a good way to help prevent blockages over time, thaw frozen pipes or break up stubborn blockages. Ram Mechanical is pleased to offer highly specialized drain streaming services. Our specialized equipment can safely and effectively clean all types of pipe, be it cast iron or PVC; residential or commercial.

Grease and oils should never be poured down your drains. Even hot grease or oils poured down the drain will eventually cool and stick to the inside of your drains. This may take some time, but slowly and surely, grease and oils will cause a blockage. Slow water draining, a bad smell, and continually pouring grease and oils down your drains, are sure signs that you have a grease blockage and will require a professional to come and clear it up for you. Ram Mechanical is able to offer a highly effective, specialized steam service for clearing away grease blockages. Our trained service technician will insert the steam line into your drain; this will liquefy the grease. Once the steam is able to move through the blockage, the technician will continue to run the steam down the line and into the main sewer, ensuring the grease does not form a blockage further down the line and causing more costly treatments or callbacks.

Frozen pipes can be expensive to repair and can cause costly repairs. During cold winter months, drains located on or near outside walls, exposed piping outside or extended periods of time where drains are unused; can become frozen. If you find you have a frozen pipe or drain, locate the frozen pipe, it will obviously feel cold to the touch. Working pipes will feel warm. If a water line is frozen, shut off the water supply in the house. Label your frozen pipes and drains. Call a professional. Our technicians are trained to thaw frozen pipes and drains in a safe and cost-effective manner. Our steam service can be used to thaw out drains, and storm sewers if ice has formed over the openings or within the drain or sewer line.

Continued use of a frozen drain or sewer line can cause raw sewage to back up into your house. Call us immediately upon discovery; Ram Mechanical will quickly and effectively get your drain and sewer back to proper working order.


High-pressure jet drain cleaning is sometimes required after your drain has been steamed cleaned. The use of high-pressure jets causes a scrubbing action, thoroughly removing remaining clog residue. High-pressure jetting uses a long, flexible, high-pressure hose with a jet nozzle attached to the end. It has backfiring jets that allow the jetter hose to propel down the drain with ease. Jetter hoses can be used to remove sewage, grease, scale, roots, and debris. It can be used in sewers, residential and commercial drains, laterals, and storm drain. At Ram Mechanical, our technicians are trained on how to properly use the high-pressure jet to clear your blockages quickly and safely.

Drain Steam Cleaning – Fort McMurray 
Industrial & Commercial Plumbers – Fort McMurray

Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Heating

Fort McMurray: 780-799-7201
Edmonton: 780-453-3090
Providing Drain Steam Cleaning Services in Fort McMurray Since 1984
*We provide complete drain steam cleaning services in Fort McMurray & areaOverall rating of 38 Google reviews
4.6 out of 5 STARS
